Welcome to our latest affiliates, including Books of
Bag End, Crossover Awards, Samnath Naur & Tolkien Fan Fiction
Fanfiction archives, recommendations, awards sites
Taren: Faramir fanfiction archive & recommendations (adult*)
Aníron Awards for Aragorn/Arwen fanfiction (adult links)
Axe and Bow Archive: A Legolas & Gimli fan archive
of Bag End: The Hobbit Slash Archive (adult)
The Burping Troll:
An archive of collaborative fan works
Crossover Awards: LotR, BtVS, PotC & Star Wars crossovers (adult
material & RPS linked)
Cuthalions Bogen:
Fanfiction auf Deutsch (übersetzt/original) (adult)
Emyn Arnen: Eowyn/Faramir fiction archive (adult)
Espresso Recommendations: LotR, Silmarillion &
The Hobbit (adult links)
Eternal: Fanfiction, essays & opinion about Legolas
If...: Fanfiction archive focusing on Aragorn & Legolas
FellowShip: Boromir/Aragorn fanfiction archive
Galadhrim.net: Fiction, art & essays about the
Lothlorien elves (adult)
Glass Onion
Archive (multi-fandom, adult)
of Fire: Middle-earth inspired fanfiction & art (adult)
Henneth Annûn Story Archive: Fanfiction, essays &
member discussions (adult)
Least Expected: A Tolkien slash fanfiction archive
(adult; temporarily closed)
Legolas Fanfiction Archive: Legolas fanfiction &
bio (adult)
Library of Moria:
Lord of the Rings slash fanfiction archive (adult)
Meduseld: Rohan fanfiction & fan art archive
Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards: Comments-based Tolkien fanfiction awards
(adult links)
My Precious Awards: Voted awards for LotR fanfiction
(adult material & RPS linked)
Of Elves and Men:
LotR fanfiction archive (adult; RPS included)
Official LOTRfanclub Scrapbook:
Fanfiction, parodies, poetry, songs & essays
Open Scrolls: Tolkien het fanfiction archive (adult)
Eruseen: LotR fanfiction & essays
Romancing the Jewels: Fanfiction,
poetry & essays based on the Silmarillion legendarium
The Ringleaders Archive: LotR
fanfiction (temporarily closed)
Sen O Gwend: LotR movieverse
Shire-Side Tales: Family-friendly
hobbit fanfic
The Silmarillion Fanfiction
Silver Tree: Portrait of an Elf-lord: Fiction, art
& articles about Celeborn (adult links)
Scrolls: A Denethor fanfiction archive (adult)
Stories of Arda: Tolkien gen & het fanfiction
Fan Fiction: archive of the Henneth Annun list (adult)
The Trees Remember: A Mirkwood
fanfiction archive
The Undying Tales: LotR fanfiction
Glory: Legolas/Eowyn fanfiction, fanart, recs & info (adult)
West of the Moon: Fanfiction focusing on hobbits
Whether or No: Fanfiction & fan art about Frodo/Sam
& Merry/Pippin (adult)
Corner: multifandom fanfiction & writers' forum (adult)
Yielding to Spring: An archive of fanfiction featuring
Faramir & Eowyn (adult)
Information & news sites, discussion lists, communities
Ardalambion: Essays
on Tolkien's invented languages
Bit of Earth, the Samwise Gamgee Fanclub: Fanfiction,
fan art, news & information
Council of Elrond: News, information,
forum, fanfiction & fanart
Daemel (Shadowlove): A list for dark slash (adult;
includes RPS)
Encyclopedia of Arda: Illustrated
hypertext encyclopedia of all Tolkien's works
Henneth Annûn: The Window on the West
Whispers: LotR online fanfiction directory (adult & RPS links)
Liv Tyler/Arwen Undomiel: Pictures, interviews &
Lord of the Rings Fanatics Network:
Information, forum & gallery
Mirkwood to Moria: Movie photo gallery
Whores: Parodies, quizzes, polls & photos (adult)
Silmfics: Silmarillion fanfiction and discussions
Online: News, discussion, fanfiction & gallery
War of the Ring:
News, forums, fanfiction, photo gallery & information (adult)
Art & craft sites
LotR Fan Art: An archive of LotR
inspired artwork & crafts
Middle-earth Tours by Kyriel: Art
depicting the people & places of Middle-earth
Merchandise sites (commercial)
Lord of the Rings Merchandise Shop:
Books, movies, audio, costume & collectibles
Armoury: Arms & armour authorised reproductions from
the LotR movies
Personal sites
About Hmpf: Fanfiction & essays in LotR & other
Creatures: Fanfiction & hobbit-centric recommendations by Teasel (adult)
Ansereg: Adult fanfiction & essays by Tyellas
Slash Fiction (adult)
of the Shire: LotR fanfiction, poetry & art by Orangeblossom Took
Emma: LotR & Highlander fanfiction by Emma Keigh (adult)
Dreamy Aspirations: Fanfiction, essays & character
bios by Eledhwen
Elfstone: LotR fantasy art by Elfie (adult)
End is Coming: LotR & BtVS fanfiction by Celestalrohim (adult)
Erin's Stories from Middle-earth: Fanfiction &
The Green Dragon
Inn: Slash fanfiction & essays by Janet Elizabeth (adult)
Himeko Himura's Fanfiction (adult)
Incandescent: LotR fanfiction, fan art, photo-manipulations
& comics by Trinity Helix (adult)
Kat's LOTR Fanfiction (adult)
Khazar-Khum's Story Archive (adult)
Kinslayer: Kielle's fanfiction and fanart (adult;
actor fiction)
Legends of Middle-earth: Fanfiction by Scribe
Memoirs of the Shire: Frodo & Sam
fanfiction by Crystal Gamgee
Odeena Skywalker's Fanfiction: LotR & other fandoms
Larien's LotR fanfiction (adult)
Sam Gamgee costume by Daisy Thistletop
Naur: LotR fanfiction by Uineniel
ShireBorn Rogues: A hobbit comic by
Daisy Thistletop
Spacellama Palace: Fanfiction, recommendations &
writing tips by Viv (adult)
Thevina's Tolkien & HP fanfiction, poetry, recommendations & essays
Tolkien & PotC fanfiction & essays by Celandine Brandybuck &
Zwarte Parel (adult)
*'Adult' refers to sites housing R-rated material or above. However,
note that not all sites without this label will be suitable for young
If you have a Tolkien-related web site that you wish
to be affiliated with the Mithril Awards, please fill in the form below,
or e-mail mithrilawards@yahoo.com
Please add a link at your site to the
awards homepage at http://www.viragene.com/tolkien
Graphics to link to the site are
available here